What’s the best way for your company to stand out? Hmmmmmmm…Got
it! Do exactly what every other business is doing. Brilliant! Wait… huh?
Unfortunately, this is what too many companies
are doing. There are obvious proven methods that work for business, I
understand this. But staying ahead of the curve is a great way to set the trend
and not end up following your competition.
Marketing through direct mail, magazines, radio, TV are
great ways to generate business. But in the changing landscape having an
internet presence cannot be avoided any longer. This next sentence is not a secret.
Every company worth its salt is online. So how is it that you separate your
company from your competition? Your online presence is unlike any other form of
marketing. For one, it allows a conversation with your potential customers. All
the marketing forms I mentioned are basically you yelling at your potential customers, and no one likes to be yelled at. Second,
you have more online outlets. If you put an ad on a television channel, or a
radio station you have one group of people hearing your message; as opposed to online
where you can get your message out on multiple channels. For instance, maybe there is someone that looks at Yelp to
decide which plumber to use. Person two uses Google+ to make their choice.
Instead of having to choose one or the other, you can reach both audiences. Home
shows, an expensive, time consuming, resource wasting weekend event can be
classified as a crap shoot. Now I will be honest. They are competition for us
so please excuse my one sided approach here. I see people at home shows go
there to collect branded water bottles and pens. Apparently someone had an
afternoon to kill so they went and took your giveaways. Not to mention if you aren’t
there your employees are more than likely playing with their phones. Believe me
when I say this, I see more people with their heads in their chin at home shows
than at an Apple store. If you have a
large product or a service that cost enough money for potential customers to
vet companies that show up, don’t you think they are going to go home and do a
little research online? Of course they
are. Chances are they will use that information to make their final decision. So
instead of wasting thousands of dollars at a home show spend the money in the
right place, on your online marketing.
The idea of going to where your potential customers are has
changed. Getting out there and meeting people face to face is and always will
be important. But if you are not where you have the largest audience, the
internet, your business will suffer.
whocanihire.com focuses on directory placement, social media
optimization, brand management, and reputation management. Along with a fully
integrated online directory that ties in social media. We assess your internet
presence and determine your areas of opportunity
I always find your posts interesting, thanks for the great job!